
This page includes information about membership in SFOSC

This page includes information about membership in SFOSC

Membership in the SFOSC

Welcome! Anyone who is interested in contributing to the SFOSC in any way is welcome to become a member.

Membership is not a requirement for participating in the community. Members may be consulted about governance of the community. For example through votes. The CONTRIBUTING GUIDELINES explain several ways you can contribute regardless of membership.

Membership in the community is broad based, available to anyone who is participating in any fashion. Requirements for membership involve a minimal amount of verification of identity, and proof of engagement with the community. Membership consists solely of individuals - there are no corporate community members.

At the moment, the only privilege membership brings is being able to vote for the project leader. And, of course, the glory of having your name appended to this file.


To apply for membership, send a pull request to this file, adding your name and GitHub username.

Please mention why you became interested in SFOSC and share some related work. This is optional though, please share only as much as you would like to.

Existing members will review your application. The aspects we look for currently are: - Full name and GitHub username, to serve as minimal verification of identity. - You have either engaged with SFOSC directly, or have related experience we can verify. If this experience is not easily found from your GitHub profile, please mention it as part of the pull request.

Interested, but not sure if you meet the requirements? Go ahead and submit your pull request! We’re glad you’re interested and there to help.


  • Adam Jacob (adamhjk)
  • Karl Amrhein (karlamrhein)
  • Elias Secchi (eliassecchi)
  • Camille Moulin (camillem)
  • Daniel Thompson-Yvetot (nothingismagick)
  • Vanessa Sochat (vsoch)
  • Chris Alfano (themightychris)
  • Nick Kellett (nickkellett)
  • Marc Laporte (marclaporte)
  • Robin van Boven (beanow)
  • Pradyun Gedam (pradyunsg)
  • Ranjib Dey (ranjib)
Last modified August 27, 2019: Merge about pages (#115) (2fe9011)